Jean Zott

Candidate for Michigan House District 59 (R)
Shelby Township & Northern Macomb Township

A Fresh Perspective

Jean Zott’s mission is to bring her financial expertise to Michigan’s legislative landscape. Her professional career includes work as a CPA, corporate controller for Michigan’s largest retail produce company and a small business owner. Her commitment extends to ongoing education in tax law and regulatory compliance, aiming to bring her extensive tax and budgeting knowledge to Michigan’s governance. The current legislature lacks any CPAs in the House and the Senate. Jean seeks to fill this void, leveraging her expertise to address fiscal matters crucial for the state’s development.

Faith, Courage, Integrity

Beyond her professional achievements, Jean leads a fulfilling personal life. With over 30 years of marriage and two children, she values and understands the importance of strong family bonds. Jean actively participates in local charities, dedicating her time bi-monthly to serving the less fortunate in Detroit. She also serves at her church, embodying her commitment to service and making a positive impact in her community.

Jean's Mission for Michigan

Lower Taxes - Simplify the current state income tax, eliminate essential items from sales tax and reduce the state’s portion of property taxes.

Regulation - Eliminate the unnecessary and unreasonable number of regulations and license filing requirements for businesses.

Quality Education - Support parents in their right to know their child’s curriculum. Ensure that a greater percentage of state funds are reaching the teachers and the classrooms.

Fiscal Responsibility - This year’s 82-billion-dollar budget is reckless. Work to eliminate duplicate departments and reduce the budget by 10% per year.

Environment & Energy - Protect our beautiful great lakes state, but not at the expense of the poor. All energy must be affordable.

Protect the Elderly and Children in Foster Care - We must strengthen our response and oversight of people at risk.

My goal is to bring a fresh perspective on taxes, spending and make changes that make sense for our community and the future.

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